Thoughts from the Principal…

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Crusader Corner, Feb. 3, 2025 Edition

Thoughts from the Principal…

“When the going get’s tough, the tough get going!”  “No pain, no gain!”

I remember the phrases above as a child growing up.  I can picture my coach saying these things to me and my teammates.  They are worn clichés today, and probably were back then, too.  But clichés often become clichés because there is some truth to them.

Those phrases can apply to being in sports, but they can also apply to life itself, and more specifically the Christian life.  There are many times when life gets hard.  And when it does, we can feel sorry for ourselves and distribute blame all around. Or we can “hike ourselves up by our bootstraps” and face the challenge or challenges.  

One of the things that many people say, even me at times is “that’s not fair”.  But as we know, life isn’t fair.  When Adam and Eve sinned all “fairness” was destroyed by that sin.  It isn’t fair when bad things happen, but it is the way this sinful world is.  If we accept that fact, we can work for change. After all, if we really got what was fair, we would have to suffer the consequences for our sin.

But Jesus took that burden of sin from us.  He was not treated fairly at all.  But He took our punishment willingly.  Because of Jesus, we can “get tough when things get tough” and go through the “pain for the gain”.  May God grant us the strength. 

Blessings to All,

Steve Hall; Principal