PTL Mission
The mission of St. Paul Lutheran School Parent Teacher League (PTL) is to fully support the school and teachers, keep parents informed and connected; while providing an opportunity to further develop a positive, family-friendly Christian community. It is to maintain a Christ-centered focus while providing supplemental financial support to St. Paul Lutheran School.
The membership of St. Paul Lutheran School’s PTL is open to all parents/guardians of children enrolled in St. Paul Lutheran School, teachers and staff at St. Paul Lutheran School and adult members of St. Paul Lutheran Church.

PTL Programs

Scrip is an easy way to let your everyday expenses help reduce tuition costs. 60% of the income generated from your scrip purchase comes back to you and reduces your tuition costs!! Friends and extended family can also help reduce your tuition costs with no added expense to their monthly budget! Any questions, contact the office to get started today 815-562-6323.
St. Paul Lutheran School is excited to bring you a NEW advertising opportunity for your business! Take advantage of an opportunity to advertise in the St. Paul Lutheran School Gymnasium, home to over 60+ athletic events a year! Rochelle St. Paul Lutheran School includes preschool through 8th grade with over 160 students committed to an excellent Christ centered education. In an additional to your business’ exposure at all athletic events, our gymnasium also receives exposure from our annual Welcome Back Fellowship, Back-to-School Carnival, Open House, Grandparent’s Day, Christmas Program, Family Reading Night, Curriculum Night, the St. Paul Auction, and many St. Paul Lutheran Church and Youth Events. We need your support!!! We offer a great opportunity for you to gain exposure for your business while showing your support for Rochelle youth athletics and excellence in education at St. Paul Lutheran School. All your advertising dollars go directly towards the purchase of new curriculum for grades preschool-8th grade. Any questions, please contact our school office at 815-562-6323.

Have you heard the exciting news?!? Market Day is back and better than ever! Now you can place an order for your family’s favorite Market Day food and it will be delivered right to your door! That’s right, no more having to pick it up at the school. Right now Market Day has Pre-Sale Bundles for sale and will be adding all of the original Market Day items soon. Just go to, register and make sure to click on St Paul! I’m all for dinners made easier, how about you?